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Celebrate National “Tick Tock” Day December 22

15 Dec 2017, by Agricola Redesign Staff in Home Decor

There’s a day for everything, and that includes National Tick Tock Day! Mark your calendars for December 22 and celebrate National Tick Tock Day by adding a timepiece or two to your home’s decor.

The team at Agricola Redesign loves using clocks to decorate clients’ homes, here are some of our favorite ideas:

1. A grouping of clocks: We love doing a grouping of clocks at clients’ homes when they have children who live in different states. You can set up each clock to the time zone each child lives in, and then you will always know the time where your children are!

2. Set them for important times: Everyone has special moments in their lives, the day they got married or the time their children were born. So why not take those times and “set” them in your home? Add a grouping of clocks to your home decor with those important times set on the clocks. Set the clock for the time you were announced as husband and wife, the time your children were born, or any other important time in your life!

3. Use a clock for the time: While you may want to use clocks as design pieces, you can also incorporate working clocks at art.  We’re people who always like to know what time it is (there are only so many hours in the day!), so add a clock to the rooms you’re in the most so that you don’t always have to look down at your phone – there are so many beautiful choice from large metal to small reclaimed wood.

Want more ideas for refreshing your home’s decor? Agricola Redesign can help! Visit or call 513.771.3927 to schedule a redesign consultation — we help you redecorate using items you already own!